Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Holidays Are Just Around The Corner

Happy Wednesday to all. I'm making dinner tonight-rotini. This is a recipe involving mozzarella cheese, hamburger, spaghetti sauce, etc. that my hubby taught me. Last night I made perogis(some with ground beef, some with cabbage). We ate and ate and ate until we could not eat anymore. That's one of the best feelings in the world-being pleasantly stuffed after dinner.

My hubby is taking a nap, and baby girl is as well. Today has been a good day so far. She had her 6 month immunization shots two days ago, which resulted in a fever that ranged from 100.3 to 100.7. She's doing better now.

Later on, me and hubby will have some "us" time..which is always nice.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hello to all!

I am so sorry this is late-and, actually, this is going to be a quick one, because hubby is making dinner and while we are eating, we'll be watching "Jagged Edge" from my hubby's extensive VHS movie collection. We were having an "us" day today-where we were just chilling around the house with our little one watching movies. We watched "Fatal Attraction", which is one of my favorite movies. Then we played Monopoly, and he whipped my ass at that. I love married life-it agrees me and I am very happily married.

What's for dinner? Chicken, stuffing, and green beans, I think. Oh, and the chicken has mushrooms on the side! Yummy!

Gotta eat, hope everyone had a good Sunday and I'll talk to you Monday!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Sorry it's been a while!

While I have a free moment(and while the roasting pan is soaking in the sink after last night's dinner), I figured I would post a quick blog.

I am puzzled by this week's weather-it's fall, but this weather has been funny lately. I thought it was going to be chilly from now on(that's why I bought my nice fall jacket), but now, I haven't had a chance to wear it because of the weather. I would look pretty stupid wearing a fall jacket in warm weather-somebody might think I'm homeless or something, (which I'm not).

Our daughter turned 6 months this week, and is steadily saying "ma ma ma ma" all the time now. She laughed, cooed, sneezed, burped, etc very well before she hit 6 she's off and running. She'll be driving the car next!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Sunday To All

Hubby has been sick, so I've spent the last couple of days taking care of him. Before that, I was on a mission-to find the perfect fall coat. The gray hooded sweatshirt hubby wears is nice, but when it's in the 50's, you need to wear something else a little heavier.

So, with this in mind, I went to one of the local stores to find a fall coat that was in my budget. After about 30 minutes, I left with my tail betwen my legs. But then I remembered there was another store I passed by on the way to the first store. Without any further ado, I went a few blocks up, and before I could say "Howdo", there I was. After some relentless searching, I finally found the pefect coat-a nice green coat that was nice and lined for warmth on the inside. Can you say "Thank God"? I did, and after paying for the coat, I realized that power shopping make you hungry. I spotted a popular fast food restaurant that hubby and I frequent on ocassion.

I ordered some things off of the value menu, and the food was excellent.

I came home and both my hubby and mom in law were pleased with the coat.

Tonight, I'm making ribs, with babycakes(little potato pancakes), and peas. I've never had babycakes, so this should be quite the experience.