Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Jimmy Carter, our 39th president of these United States, was hospitalized today. He was on his way to a book signing when he got sick on the plane he was flying on. As of this writing, he is resting comfortably in a Cleveland hopsital, and I'm glad to hear that. He, in my opinion, was one of our best presidents. He will be released from the hospital later on today and guess what? He's off to another book signing! Good for him-he's not letting a silly upset stomach slow his roll. Awesome.

I remember liking him a lot when I was a kid. Nixon, not so much, because I remember being really pissed off when the Watergate hearings were on and that meant whatever shows I wanted to watch, they weren't coming on at that time. And along with that, as I got older, and found out just what a swingin' Commander in Chief he was, it was thumbs down all the way. Ford, I liked him because he seemed like a very laid back kind of president. Reagan seemed too waspy, the first president Bush and the second president Bush(terrible, and don't even get me started on Bush Jr.). I am very glad that we have an African American president. I didn't there that would ever be one in my lifetime, and when our sons and daughters who are babies and toddlers now attend grammar and high schools, they will be reading about him in their history books. President Obama has done a lot since he's been in office, he has a lot more work to do before he leaves the White House(and if he runs for re-election, I'll be first in line to vote for him again), but he is a very good president. Not as uptight and anal as some of the other presidents of the past.

Last night, we watched "Easy Rider" on DVD. Then, we had a delicious spaghetti dinner with meatballs & breadsticks. It was delicious! My husband is such a good cook. I will be making beef stew this week, and the appetizers will be stuffed mushrooms with smoked turkey bacon. I have made beef stew before, but these particular appetizers will be a culinarfy test indeed. They sound quite exotic, don't they? I'll let you know how everything turned out! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

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